SESSION UPDATE – January 22, 2024
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
The gavel came down with a bang last week to begin the second session of the 33rd Legislature, and a plethora of activity is underway throughout the halls and offices of the State Capitol!
Room 7 is no exception. While in the Senate Minority, I’m still hard at work with my staff and in frequent and daily policy conversations with members of the Senate Majority, House Majority, and House Minority about solutions for Alaskans.
Although many of the discussions have centered around school funding and improving student outcomes in recent days, constituents, legislative colleagues, and reporters have also been very interested in three bills I introduced. SB 172 extends Senior Benefits for ten years; SB 173 is entitled the Safe Schools Act and is related to individuals being assigned the job duty to conceal carry to deter active shooting incidents; and SB 177 addresses AI and Deepfakes, the first bill in Alaska on these new phenomena.
In fact, we have our first bill hearing of the session for SB 173 Safe Schools Act in the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee this Wednesday at 1:30pm. The hearing will include an opportunity for public testimony so jot down a few notes, clear your throat, grab a glass of water, and be ready! Be sure to read my article below too on how this bill came to be, why it is desperately needed, and what it does. The bill has created quite the buzz in Alaska as well as made a few national waves, too. We’ll see if that waxes or wanes.
January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month and as HB 68 is a priority for me this session to protect our youth and other victims, I hope you’ll read my article on this topic as it relates to Alaska. I advise you to sit down before you read it.
Please be sure also to catch the Mat-Su Transportation Fair this Thursday 3-7pm at Raven Hall to learn about the many, many projects underway in our growing region!
My first Coffee Chat of the session is this Saturday, January 27 from 9am to 10:30am at Church on the Rock, Palmer Campus. I always look forward to engaging in these lively discussions and connecting with constituents in-person – new and old – so please stop by if you’re free!
Tonight is my first Facebook Live broadcast from the State Capitol at 6pm. Please join us! We hopefully won’t have any technical glitches but thank you for your patience in advance if we do!
My responsibility to you is always front and center, whether I am on the Senate floor, drafting policy, in a meeting, out and about in our community, or communicating with you. I will strive to be available in multiple ways to hear from you and what concerns you most. I am on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter(X) at AKShelleyHughes. You can also email me at or call my office (907)465-3743 (Session) or (907)376-3725 (Interim) to get in touch.
As I state on my Facebook Senator page, mention in live broadcasts, and tell many of you in one-on-one conversations, with the volume of contacts I receive daily (multiple hundreds), my staff and I work hard to read and listen to everything so I can understand what you, our district, and the rest of the state is thinking. If you would like to ensure you receive my feedback on your issue and ideas, please call my office to set up a phone call with me or come by one of my constituent meetings so we can connect in-person. Hearing your input continues to be a top priority to me!
Working on your behalf,
Wednesday at 1:30pm
(see details below)
Senator Hughes met with Hilcorp to discuss the impending gas shortage along the railbelt and to hear their company’s plans and updates. Pictured with the Senator is Luke Saugier, Senior VP in Alaska.
“We will need a multi-pronged solution and both persistence and patience – although there is not time to waste,” Hughes concluded after the meeting. The focus on energy solutions in the House and Senate Resource Committees is expected this session.
Senator Hughes added, “I am more convinced than ever we need to relook at Susitna-Watana Dam and to explore the new clean-burning coal technology now operational elsewhere. With 40% of the nation’s surface waters (12,000 rivers and 3 million lakes) in Alaska, huge finds of clean untapped coal resources, and the advances in engineering and environmental safeguards, we would be foolish to ignore the hydro and clean coal potential in our state.”
Articles from first half of the 33rd Legislature still germane to this year’s session!
When You Boil It All Down: Sap to Syrup
Time to reduce down like sap to syrup what is being proposed in Juneau.
Pooling Option Would Free up Stream for Districts
We’re not talking about waterways. We’re talking about SB110, a revenue stream for schools…
Why is Lady Justices’ blindfold slipping in Alaska?
Something has changed since statehood. What can we do about it?
Today is the beginning of the Justice in Human Trafficking Week. Senator Hughes is seen here with Representative Vance holding “Hands off our Children” buttons in support of HB68, Governor Dunleavy’s legislation to crack down on trafficking in Alaska.
“Many don’t realize that the per capita rate of trafficking youth in Alaska is higher than it is in many large cities in the lower 48,” Senator Hughes commented. “This is absolutely unacceptable!”
Sen. Hughes stated in public meetings over the interim before returning to Juneau that HB68 is priority legislation for her. She plans to do all she can to help get the bill through the Senate and past the finish line. Hughes looks forward to visits this week from MyHouse and the Alaska Stop Human Trafficking Alliance on this topic.
“It is a great idea Shelley, everyone has the right to defend themselves. Under the Bruen decision (and it always has been) it is unconstitutional to disarm teachers with absolutely no security in place at the schools.”
“Good luck! I’m sending your prayers for a productive session.”
“I think [SB 177 on Artificial Intelligence] may be one of the most important pieces of legislation this session.”
“What a bad, bad, BAD idea! There is absolutely no evidence to support the claim that concealed carry for teachers in Utah has prevented any school shooting.”
“My concern is that although Florida did something like [the safe schools act] the requirements were so over the top no teacher would want to carry!”
“Just in case anyone asks, I fully support rank choice voting and do not support the bill that is trying to repeal it!”
“Everyone I talk to is not in favor of ranked choice voting or they did not understand what they voted for and they hate it now that they have experienced it.”
“I’ll take whatever training required in order to help defend children.”
“Good luck this session. Please try to get the PFD back for the people, and some accountability for public Ed. It is a crime they are not making sure all students can read.”
“We support this bill. It’s nice to see a legislator be proactive in protecting our children, especially in our remote areas where there is a lack of law-enforcement.”
“We need a state statute limiting the amount of every state dollar that goes to administration!”
“It’s about time someone finally steps up to protect our children. How long before this program can take effect? I hope sooner than later!”
If you’d like to provide public testimony for any bill, enter the bill number (for example “HB 22”) into the search bar here to learn the date and time. Scroll down toward the bottom of this newsletter or view the highlighted bill images to find the public testimony call-in phone numbers.
The following “News from Hughes Alerts” are highlighted bills for this week but please note that this is not an exhaustive list.
🖱️ Click on the image to view the referenced bill.
Click the button below to see all public testimony opportunities
occurring within the next seven days.
None this week
Occasionally we will find mention of Senator Hughes and the projects from our office in a significant way in the news online, in print, or in broadcast.
Below are some links to recent news items talking about legislation we’re working on.
SB 173 content was mentioned on the news feed ticker during the Charlie Kirk Show last Thursday (January 18th) morning. Thanks to a friend for sending in this snapshot from their TV.
Looking forward to seeing you this weekend!
Check out articles from our senators as we post them, take surveys, and more by clicking the picture above.
Then check out and follow our social media platforms
for even more up-to-the-minute info!
Senate Assignments:
- Senate Minority, Ranking Member
- Alaska Food Strategy Task Force, Chair
- Food and Farm Caucus, Co-Chair
- Special Committee on World Trade
- Victims’ Advocate Selection Committee
- Law Finance Subcommittee
Other Appointments and Assignments:
- NCSL Law and Public Safety Committee, Vice Chair
- State Agricultural and Rural Leaders, National Board Member
- Article V Phoenix Correspondence Commission, National Commissioner
- NCSL Cybersecurity Task Force
- CSG-West Canada Relations
- CSG Interbranch Committee
For information on bills I’m co‑sponsoring
For information on all bills filed during this session,
🔥HOT TIP🔥 PREFILING BILLS Pre-filing streamlines the law-making process and allows legislative staff to assemble the proper paperwork and formatting necessary to usher a bill into committees and, eventually, onto chamber floors. It is also viewed as a way to give a bill the most time to be examined and hopefully passed within a legislative session. |
Bills I’ve Filed on Your Behalf
Click the bill code in green to see more details and follow the individual bill’s progress online.
Health Insurance Info; Incentives/Agreements
Alaska Sunset Commission
Constitutional Amendment: Abortion/Funding
School/University Employee Health Insurance
Rejecting Commission’s Recommendation to Raise Salaries
Extending the Alaska Senior Benefits
Safe Schools Act
Artificial Intelligence
Keep up with updates, notices, news, and photos throughout the week and live broadcasts every Monday evening at 6pm.
Join Shelley on Facebook Live each week to ask questions and give input.
We typically broadcast Mondays at 6:00 pm, but watch for a notification on Facebook as the day/time is subject to change.
Be sure to “like” the “Senator Shelley Hughes” Facebook page
so you’ll get a heads-up each time we air!
Alaska State Legislature web site is the place to track bills, locate and contact your legislators, and access committee information. Questions? Try the help wizard or call 1-800-478-4648.
SMS Bill Tracking! Once you know what bill(s) you want to monitor, here’s a convenient way to track what’s happening. Text any bill number (ex: SB1) to 559-245-2529 to enroll in text alerts for that particular piece of legislation. You’ll receive an enrollment confirmation as well as instructions on how to unsubscribe.
How to Get in Touch with Shelley! Give our office a call at 907-465-3743 or 800-565-3743 or send an email to If you need assistance, want a response, or need other follow-up, please call rather than email.
Anneliese Roberts Chief of Staff 907-465-5025 |
Stephen Knouse Legislative Aide 907-465-1172 |
Juneau Office Alaska State Capitol Rm 7 Juneau, Alaska 99801 907-465-3743 800-565-3743 |
Mat-Su Office (closed while in Juneau) 600 E. Railroad Avenue Wasilla, Alaska 99654 907-376-3725 |
Contact Alaska’s US Senators and Congressman
Lisa Murkowski – Senator Anchorage: 907-271-3735 Mat-Su: 907-376-7665 |
Dan Sullivan – Senator Anchorage: 907-271-5915 Mat-Su: 907-357-9956 |
Mary Peltola – Representative Anchorage: 907-921-6675 |