SESSION UPDATE – April 17, 2023
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Happy less-than-two-weeks-left of April! While taxes this year aren’t technically due until tomorrow at midnight, I hope for your peace of mind, the task is behind you. What isn’t behind us here in Juneau is the big bear of a budget – which interestingly is coinciding with reports of bear sightings here in the capital city!
A Solution to Budget Logjam? Fiscal Plan Beyond Statutory Components Start Moving in Senate
The House has not yet passed the operating budget over to the Senate which is quite unusual at this late date in the session. They wisely held it to ensure fair play by the Senate Majority. They don’t want the Senate to call the sole shots when it comes to the capital budget, but I’m sure they also want to negotiate a way forward as far as the fiscal gap, the PFD, and school funding.
While we’re trying to figure out a way to handle these items this year, there couldn’t be a better time than now to insist on fiscal plan components shaking loose in the Senate. The fact that they have stalled in recent years is the very reason we’re in the present predicament. The House appears to be ready to gin up the fiscal plan amendments and move them. We need that commitment from the Senate, including the constitutional amendments to fix the spending cap and settle the PFD.
I envision the break in the budget logjam to be members of all four caucuses along with the governor letting Alaskans know they’re committed to moving forward fiscal plan components as recommended by the Fiscal Policy Working Group. [more on this topic]
Goodbye Gaby and Best Wishes!
Our office and district has been blessed to have had Gaby Gonzales, a UAA student from Mat-Su, as our Ted Stevens Intern. She has worked more like an aide than an intern, handling constituent issues with poise, shepherding a bill and all the tasks that accompany that job, and managing my schedule (and of course, “other duties as assigned”). Her pleasant nature and willingness to step up to the plate on whatever was before us will be greatly missed. Anneliese and Stephen will have their hands full picking up the slack starting this week now that Gaby has departed. We wish her the very, very best in her next endeavors, which right now is to finish up her research paper and graduate with her bachelor’s degree in Political Science. Congratulations, Gaby! Stay in touch – we look forward to seeing you around the district when we get home!
It’s Our Job to Keep Their Feet Warm: Alaska School Activities Association
A board member of a non-profit in Alaska typically does not expect to be bombarded and contacted by hundreds of people, some who are very stern and even angry. I’m used to that, but they aren’t. I signed up to run for office and hearing from large numbers of people who are upset, frustrated, and sometimes full of vitriol – well, that comes with the territory as an elected official. A board member, not so much.
Yet, I think that is likely what the Board of Directors of the Alaska School Activities Association (ASAA) will be facing. [continue reading]
Hold On to Your Socks – and Your Hat: Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Well, la-dee-da. Based on data from 2021, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are actually down 17.7 percent from 2007, putting current levels approximately 2 percent below 1990’s level. This is stunning news, and it is based… [continue reading online]
SB 77 Undermines Principle of Property Right Protection
Ours is a nation where property ownership is sought out as part of the American dream. Under communism, socialism, under the oppression of a dictator, that possibility is squelched. The fundamental right we have in Alaska to own property is one to be cherished and protected. Owning property is a game-changer for people. Putting property owners at risk of eventually losing their property is the opposite of what we should be doing. Although the intention… [continue reading online]
Keep scrolling, my friends!
Don’t miss the quotes by Alaskans giving me input—always insightful and varied, sometimes startling and sometimes amusing. See what bills are up for public testimony this week. Lots of great info and photos of friends and neighbors await you below. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom, so you don’t miss out on what may be relevant to you.
P.S. Don’t be a stranger
Visit us. Like us. Love our posts. Comment and share.
Stay in touch!
As always, I look forward to meeting you when I’m back in district as well as in Juneau if you come for a visit. I always appreciate the great input and robust discussion at these in-person meetings!
My responsibility to you is front and center, whether I am on the Senate floor, drafting policy, in a meeting, or out and about in our community. If you would like my feedback on your issue, please call my office (907) 465-3743 to set up a phone call with me or come by one of my coffee chats.
Working on your behalf,
Articles that are still relevant and very much worth reading!
The Cart Before the Horse = A Runaway Horse
Trouble in River City: runaway taxes coupled with runaway spending.
Pooling Option Picks Up Steam
We’re not talking “hot springs and geysers”. We’re talking about SB110 that ultimately could help students.
Sitting on the Sidelines is Not an Option
We need to rally for public accommodation sanity.
Pay raises for legislators? Flawed process and policy
In response to the 67% pay raise proposal, I filed SB 111 “Rejecting Legislators’ Salary Increase”.
The Key Point is the Key Point in Email Traffic
I am seeing recurring themes in my inbox, some of which may surprise you.
How can we make sure we’re getting the most bang for our buck in state government operations?
With all the tax talk, it’s more important than ever to support SB 9.
SB 52: Rewrite is not yet truly student-centered or teacher-focused
The bill is not yet focused on improving student learning.
SB88 Pension “Pill”: Better reading the warning label
Some are touting the pension bill as a cure but is it really?
Tax Measures Absent: a Comprehensive Fiscal Plan Will be DOA
An isolated tax package is not a long term fiscal plan.
Directing more dollars to classrooms with funds districts already have
We can increase dollars for classrooms without one new penny.
Enough is enough! Healthcare costs are breaking the bank
Four solutions await your advocacy.
Why is Lady Justices’ blindfold slipping in Alaska?
Something has changed since statehood. What can we do about it?
“National Popular Vote” isn’t what it’s cracked up to be:
It’s bad for Alaska, bad for nation.
Hemp Saga: Effort to repeal ag crop statutes creates stir
Putting the crop under the Marijuana Control Board would be a mistake.
Thanks to Alaska Board of Education for Title IX Work
Safe and fair for all Title IX-related resolution passes.
Let’s Extend This Significant Day Throughout the Year
It won’t cost a penny but the returns will be invaluable…
The Perfect Pitch: An Honor to Keynotes Competition Event for Entrepreneurs
Being an entrepreneur is about taking risks – and humor along the way.
6th grade students from Academy Charter School in Palmer came to the Capitol building to visit and meet with Senator Hughes and other legislators in the building. The students were also able to sit in on a floor session where Senator Hughes introduced them each by name.
Senator Hughes and Gaby “the Intern” Gonzalez presented SB 110 in a second hearing before the Senate Education Committee this last Wednesday. Strong and supportive testimony was offered in support of the bill by community leaders from around the state.
Senator Hughes offered three amendments on the floor Tuesday to SB77 pertaining to a proposal to allow local governments to increase taxes on certain properties. Two of the three amendments passed. The bill was still problematic as you can read about above in this newsletter. You can see students from Academy Charter School in the gallery behind.
“Senate majority is an accurate reflection of where a majority of Alaskans stand.”
“Senate majority is a lost cause.”
“If this [legislative] pay raise goes through it’s a slap in the face for hard-working Alaskans. 1st taking our PFD now an exorbitant pay raise they can vote for themselves. A sad day for Alaska. Unconscionable!!!!!!!!!”
“Flattery goes know where [sic]. You stay constantly working to bring transparency of what is going [on] to people. Thank you for doing more than expectations require.”
“Thank You @AKShelleyHughes”
“[S]top GROWING government and start making NEEDED CUTS!”
“We want our full statutory PFD. Use fiscal restraint.”
“This direct care system [SB 45], for an affordable monthly fee, would allow a senior to stay with a provider they like and have a relationship with, eliminating hundreds of dollars out of pocket and reams of confusing paperwork just for a visit.”
“Please find the attached letter in opposition of SB 73. I am a sole Architect with a small firm in the Matsu Valley. Listen to our small business plea.”
“Fund the schools $1000 per student if you know what is good for you.”
“Don’t give the districts a penny more until they stop undermining parents, stop promoting woke ideologies, stop indoctrinating the kids, and stop providing pornographic books. No boys in the girl’s restrooms and locker-rooms either, so hold back funds until they make that rule.”
Public Testimony
If you’d like to provide public testimony for any bill, enter the bill number (for example “HB 22”) into the search bar here to learn the date and time. Scroll down toward the bottom of this newsletter or view the highlighted bill images to find the public testimony call-in phone numbers.
The following “News from Hughes Alerts” are highlighted bills for this week.
🖱️ Click on the image to view the referenced bill.
Click the button below to see all public testimony opportunities
occurring within the next seven days.
Other Hearings
That May Interest You
MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1:30pm
Consideration of Governor’s Appointees:
Alaska Judicial Council: Dennis DeWitt
Board of Governors of the Alaska Bar: William Granger
TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 3:30pm
Consideration of Governor’s Appointees:
Commissioner of Corrections: Jen Winkelman
Alaska Public Offices Commission: Eric Feige
TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 3:00pm
Consideration of Governor’s Appointees:
Department of Corrections: Jen Winkelman
State Board of Parole: Sarah Possenti
TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1:00pm
Consideration of Governor’s Appointees:
Board of Marine Pilots: Edward Sinclair
Between floor sessions and other various meetings, Senator Hughes is found hard at work in her office researching and doing all she can to represent her constituents.
Senators Hughes and Shower met with constituents in Palmer this last weekend.
Check out articles from our senators as we post them, take surveys, and more by clicking the picture above.
Then check out and follow our social media platforms
for even more up-to-the-minute info!
Space is extremely limited. If you or someone you know qualifies, apply early!
Help do your part to keep our land and community clean from drug pollution/abuse.
Click/Tap the image or scan the QR code to read the full press release online.
Senate Assignments:
- Alaska Food Strategy Task Force, Chair
- Food and Farm Caucus, Co-Chair
- Special Committee on World Trade
- Victims’ Advocate Selection Committee
- Law Finance Subcommittee
Other Appointments and Assignments:
- State Agricultural and Rural Leaders, National Board Member
- Article V Phoenix Correspondence Commission, National Commissioner
- NCSL Cybersecurity Task Force
- CSG-West Canada Relations
- CSG Interbranch Committee
🔥HOT TIP🔥 BE IN-THE-KNOW! Know which bills are up for public testimony at any time, 7 days in advance! |
For information on bills I’m co‑sponsoring
For information on all bills filed during this session,
Bills I’ve Filed on Your Behalf
Health Insurance Info; Incentives/Agreements
Alaska Sunset Commission
Constitutional Amendment: Abortion/Funding
School/University Employee Health Insurance
Rejecting Commission’s Recommendation to Raise Salaries
Keep up with updates, notices, news, and photos throughout the week and live broadcasts every Monday evening at 6pm.
Join Shelley on Facebook Live each week to ask questions and give input.
We typically broadcast Mondays at 6:00 pm, but watch for a notification on Facebook as the day/time is subject to change.
Be sure to “like” the “Senator Shelley Hughes” Facebook page
so you’ll get a heads-up each time we air!
Alaska State Legislature web site is the place to track bills, locate and contact your legislators, and access committee information. Questions? Try the help wizard or call 1-800-478-4648.
SMS Bill Tracking! Once you know what bill(s) you want to monitor, here’s a convenient way to track what’s happening. Text any bill number (ex: SB1) to 559-245-2529 to enroll in text alerts for that particular piece of legislation. You’ll receive an enrollment confirmation as well as instructions on how to unsubscribe.
How to Get in Touch with Shelley! Give our office a call at 907-465-3743 or 800-565-3743 or send an email to If you need assistance, want a response, or need other follow-up, please call rather than email.
Gaby Gonzalez Staff Intern 907-465-3743 |
Stephen Knouse Legislative Aide 907-465-1172 |
Anneliese Roberts Chief of Staff 907-465-5025 |
Juneau Office Alaska State Capitol Rm 7 Juneau, Alaska 99801 907-465-3743 800-565-3743 |
Mat-Su Office (closed while in Juneau) 600 E. Railroad Avenue Wasilla, Alaska 99654 907-376-3725 |
Contact Alaska’s US Senators and Congressman
Lisa Murkowski – Senator Anchorage: 907-271-3735 Mat-Su: 907-376-7665 |
Dan Sullivan – Senator Anchorage: 907-271-5915 Mat-Su: 907-357-9956 |
Mary Peltola – Representative Anchorage: 907-921-6675 |