Kuspuks at the Capitol!
Pictured from left to right: Senator Shelley Hughes, Michelle Shower, Senator Mike Shower
January 25, 2022
Alaskan Friends and Neighbors,
We’re kicking off your first installment of News from Hughes during the second session of 32nd Legislature directly from the capital city with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King:
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
If you followed the Alaska State Legislature last year through my newsletter, live Facebook broadcasts, and other forums, you know that the first session of this legislature was riddled with disappointment. A lot of work was done the entire year, special sessions, working groups and hundreds of hours trying to find a way forward to set Alaska on a sustainable long term fiscal course and to settle the PFD issue once and for all.
Although an overwhelming majority of legislators wanted to move a package through the process, a small group who opposed doing so were in positions that enabled them to stymy the effort. Ultimately there was no movement on any substantive fix. While I am disappointed with this outcome, my team and I will continue to work for you and all Alaskans on a long-term solution for our state. I remain hopeful that this can be achieved, even though it looks as though it will be a several year process.
The first week of session has already flown by as committees ramped up and began hearing bills. I led an effort with Rep. Ken McCarty to help address the truckers situation at the US/Canada border after hearing from local truckers in our area and from around the state. I’ve also been working with several legislative members, one from the Senate and two from the House, to form the Alaska Grown Caucus which will focus on reducing our reliance on outside sources and promoting in-state production. Thanks to my staff, you can read about these two projects in articles below.
Speaking of staff, I’d love for you to meet our new team members and have provided a short write-up about each in this update. What a wealth of expertise and competence they bring to the table! Our district is blessed to have such a strong team working on the behalf of constituents.
Scroll down to see more gold nuggets – news clips, tips for following the legislature, and information about upcoming public testimony opportunities. Note that the reading bill I have had for five years is finally receiving a hearing today at 1pm as an Education Committee bill. Tomorrow at 1pm you can offer public testimony on the bill (SB111) in Senate Finance! In this first edition of the newsletter in the new year, you will also have the opportunity to review legislation that I am sponsoring on your behalf.
Please continue to share your concerns and ideas; your input is invaluable. For my part, I will continue to communicate what is happening in Juneau, the work we are doing, and what I believe needs to happen to help make our state the best place in the world to live. Be sure to tune in to watch our weekly Facebook Live events Monday evenings at 6pm. This is a great opportunity for you to speak directly to me about bills and ask questions regarding issues important to you.
Time to dig for gold nuggets – scroll down!
In your service,
Senator Shelley Hughes meets with constituents (left to right) Janet and Ron Johnson and Mat-Su Borough Assembly Member Jesse Sumner. It is wonderful having visitors from home back in the Capitol this year!
Make sure to catch my interview with Tim Bradner on Capital Views.
Decreasing Alaska’s Reliance on Outside Sources:
Introducing Your Alaska Grown Caucus
by Buddy Whitt
Wouldn’t it be nice to go to the grocery store and find an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and other products grown right here in Alaska? This has been a mission of Senator Hughes for quite some time, and she has found some like-minded colleagues who are ready to do something about it with her. With the abundance of land and rich soil, you would think that Alaska would have more options for locally grown products but that has not been the case lately. When Alaska first joined the Union, we produced 50% of what we consumed in-state. Now, we produce less than 5% of our consumption within Alaska.
Four Alaska State Legislators from both sides of the political aisle have joined forces to tackle this issue. This week Senator Hughes, together with Senator Kawasaki, Representative Tarr, and Representative Rauscher, are announcing the formation of the Alaska Grown Caucus. The caucus is open to all interested legislators and will work to promote and increase Alaska Grown products, focusing on food security, market access for farmers, wild harvested products, value added production, and more. Senator Hughes explained, “The Alaska Grown Caucus will work to remove barriers that preclude Alaskans from producing food and other products in-state, reduce our dependence on outside sources, and explore innovative ways to expand Alaska’s ability to sustain itself.”
The caucus will have two co-chairs from each legislative body. Senator Kawasaki (District A – Fairbanks) and Senator Hughes (District F – Palmer, Chugiak, and Mat-Su) will be co-chairs along with Representative Tarr (District 19 – Anchorage) and Representative Rauscher (District 9 – Sutton).
Stay tuned for more information on meeting dates and times. Please feel free to reach out to our office if you have a thought or an idea the caucus should consider.
Standing Up for Truckers
by Daniel Phelps
Last week, Senator Shelley Hughes worked with Representative Ken McCarty to co-author letters to President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau requesting an exemption for unvaccinated truck drivers who wish to cross the border while transporting freight. As of January 15th, 2022, Canada requires all truck drivers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 when crossing their border. This past weekend, the United States implemented a similar policy requiring truck drivers to complete the two-shot series in order to cross the US border.
With food insecurity on the rise and the supply of truck drivers dwindling, an exemption for those truck drivers who choose to remain unvaccinated is a vital issue for Alaska. Over two-thirds of goods traded between the US and Canada are hauled by road. Furthermore, Alaska relies heavily on a continued stream of freight hauled by truck from cities in the lower 48, through Canada, into our state. Barging fresh produce is not a viable alternative as the voyage takes nearly twice as long and risks some foods expiring. Although significantly faster, air freight remains too costly to be a long-term solution.
The Alaska Trucking Association, American Truckers Association, and Canadian Truckers Association all oppose a vaccine rule for truck drivers at the border. Without an exemption, 10-15% of the 120,000 border-cross truck drivers remain unable to cross the border according to the Canadian Trucking Alliance. Some local Alaska trucking companies estimate that as many as 30-60% of their truck drivers will be restricted from Canadian routes. Data indicates that COVID-19 infection rates for truckers are low compared to the national average. Their “cubical” workspace—the truck cab—keeps them socially distanced most of the time.
Treaty language between the United States and Canada dating back to the construction of the Alaska Highway states that, “there shall at no time be imposed any discriminatory conditions in relation to the use of the road as between Canada and the United States civilian traffic.” Senator Hughes believes the leaders of the two countries should honor this agreement. Hughes states, “In light of supply chain disruptions, rising rates of inflation, and a trucking industry workforce shortage, all of which predate this vaccine rule, President Biden and Prime Minister Trudeau should respect the treaty, reverse their orders, and help ensure that both Americans and Canadians have access to essential food items and products.”
The group letter to Prime Minister Trudeau sent on January 19th received bipartisan support, with 29 of our Alaska State Legislators signing-on in support. The companion letter to President Biden sent January 20th received 24 signatories. The letter to Prime Minister Trudeau is available to read here and the letter to President Biden is available to read here.
(above) Squeezing in an interview with Channel 2 News about the trucking-border issue while at the gate at the Juneau airport enroute home for the January Coffee Chat with constituents. To hear the news segment, click here: https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2022/01/22/alaska-lawmakers-call-national-leaders-canada-us-get-rid-vaccine-mandates-truckers/.
To learn more about the trucker-border issue, please refer to the following:
As the volume of daily contacts reaching out to my office has exponentially increased over time, my staff stands by, ready to assist you. If you desire follow-up, feedback, a response to a question, etc., it’s always best to call the office. Below are direct phone numbers for my aides, or you can call the general number at 907-465-3743. Below you will find a full list of my bills. Stay tuned to for a listing of the bill assignments for each staff member. Please reach out to them anytime. |
For additional information,
contact my staff:
Buddy Whitt- Chief of Staff
-Senator Hughes’ Aide for Senate Rules Committee
-Senator Hughes’ Aide for Majority Leadership
-Senator Hughes’ Aide for Senate Floor Session
Daniel Phelps – Legislative Aide
-Senator’s Aide for Senate Judiciary Committee
-Senator’s Aide for Community and Regional Affairs
Brent Bartlett – Legislative Aide
– Senator’s Aide for Health and Social Services Committee
Diane Bryant – Legislative Aide
-Senator’s Aide for Education Committee
Serving You in These Roles
Current Senate Committees:
- Community & Regional Affairs Committee, Chair
- Health & Social Services Committee, Vice-Chair
- Rules Committee, Member
- Judiciary Committee, Member
- Education Committee, Member
- Legislative Council Committee, Alternate
Finance Subcommittee Assignments:
- Senate Transportation & Public Facilities (Fin Sub), Member
- Senate Administration (Fin Sub), Member
- Senate Judiciary (Fin Sub), Member
Other Appointments:
- State Agriculture & Rural Leaders, Alaska Delegate
- Mat-Su Legislative Delegation, Member
- National Conference of State Legislatures – State Coordinator
- National Conference of State Legislatures – Law, Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, Member
- National Conference of State Legislatures – Task Force on Cybersecurity, Member
- Council of State Governments – Transportation Committee, Member
- Council of State Governments West – Canada Relations Committee, Member
For information on bills I’m co‑sponsoring
click here.
For information on all bills filed during this session,
click here.
Legislation Update
(Shelley’s bills filed with your best interest in mind)
SB 41 – Health Insurance Info; Incentive Program. Also known as the Alaska Health Care Consumers Right to Shop Act. The bill is currently in the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee and we anticipate a hearing soon to discuss a committee substitute for the bill and move the policy forward. The next committee of referral is the Senate Finance Committee.
SB 42 – Virtual and Early Education, Reading- The “Education Transformation Act” (now merged into Senate Education Committee SB 111) enables districts to open up slots in classrooms to students in other locations and from other districts via two-way videoconferencing or other distance learning methods via internet. A menu of classes and teachers with video samples would open up a larger variety of course offerings and teaching expertise to students statewide. The bill will have a hearing in the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday, January 25th at 1:00pm. Your opportunity to testify on this important piece of legislation will happen soon so please stay tuned for updates.
SB 43 – Elections, Voting, Campaign Finance- “An Act relating to campaign finance and initiatives; relating to elections and voting; and relating to unlawful interference with voting”. SB 43 is about improving transparency and accountability in Alaska’s campaign finance laws as well as securing the integrity of Alaska’s election process. We were able to move the bill from the Senate State Affairs Committee to the Judiciary Committee where it awaits a committee hearing that we will soon be requesting.
SJR 4 – Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Alaska relating to abortion. This bill will allow for the question of abortion to be decided through legislation or voter initiative. The bill was heard and passed out of the Senate Health and Social Services Committee and the Judiciary Committee is currently in the Senate Finance Committee, and we are hopeful that the committee will hear the bill in the near future. Please stay tuned for more details on this constitutional amendment proposal.
SB 102 – Extending the Alaska membership in the Compact to advocate for an Article V Constitutional Convention for the purposes of advancing an amendment to the United States Constitution requiring a balanced budget. Alaska’s membership in this compact is set to expire this year, but with the passage of Senate Bill 102, Alaska would remain a member in the compact until 2031. The bill is currently in the possession of the Senate Finance Committee.
SB 140 – An Act relating to school athletics, recreation, athletic teams, and sports. The goal of SB 140 is simply to maintain the rights women fought for and gained in obtaining Title IX status in 1972. Before Title IX, 1 in 27 girls played sports. Today that number is 2 in 5. Schools that receive federal funding are legally required to provide girls and boys with equitable sports opportunities.
Passed Legislation
(Bills that are finished with the legislative process)
SB 27 – Industrial Hemp Program; Manufacturing- Many of you are aware that in 2018 I sponsored and the legislature passed SB6 allowing for the legalized growth and production of Industrial Hemp as an agricultural product in the Alaska. In late 2018 the US Congress passed the 2018 Farm Bill which made additional changes to the federal statutes regarding the production of industrial hemp. SB 27 makes a few small changes in Alaska statute in order to conform to those federal changes.
The bill was passed unanimously in the Senate and almost unanimously in the House (Representatives Eastman and Kurka were opposed to this bill). This summer the Governor signed the bill at the Alaska State Fair, and just a few weeks ago the United States Department of Agriculture approved the Alaska Industrial Hemp Plan so that Alaska can now grow, manufacture, and sell hemp and hemp products across jurisdictions. This is a great win for Alaska.
Join Shelley on Facebook Live each week to ask questions and give input.
We typically broadcast Mondays at 6:00 pm, but watch for a notification on Facebook as the day/time is subject to change.
Be sure to “like” the “Senator Shelley Hughes” Facebook page www.facebook.com/AKShelleyHughes
so you’ll get a heads-up each time we air!
– Let Your Voice Be Heard –
– Participate in Public Testimony –
Public testimony is available for every bill heard in a committee. Follow bills you have interest in on the Alaska State Legislature Page. To testify, go to your local Legislative Information Office (LIO) which you can find here. If you are unable to testify, written testimony can also be submitted by sending an email to the committee.
Public testimony times on bills
that might interest you:
Find it here!
Public Testimony OFF NET Numbers
Anchorage: 907-563-9085
Juneau: 907-586-9085
Everywhere else: 844-586-9085
For budget bills and Permanent Fund bills, please arrive 15 minutes early for sign-in process, and please arrive 15 minutes prior to the end of the allotted time or testimony may close early. Public testimony may be limited to two minutes per person, so it’s best to prepare concise comments.
Remotely-operated cameras broadcast the Senate floor session. Typically the floor sessions are held Monday and Wednesday at 11:00am and Friday at 10:30am. Check the schedule and view the sessions here. 360 North (Gavel to Gavel television) broadcasts the House and Senate floor sessions statewide as well as some of the committee hearings.
Contact Alaska’s US Senators and Congressman
Lisa Murkowski – Senator
Anchorage: 907-271-3735
Mat-Su: 907-376-7665
Dan Sullivan – Senator
Anchorage: 907-271-5915
Mat-Su: 357-9956
Don Young – Congressman
Anchorage: 907-271-5978
More important than ever!
TIP #1: The Alaska State Legislature web site is the place to track bills, locate and contact your legislators (session), and access committee information. Questions? Try the help wizard or call 1-800-478-4648.
TIP #2: SMS Bill Tracking! Once you know what bill(s) you want to monitor, here’s a convenient way to track what’s happening. Text any bill number (ex: SB1) to 559-245-2529 to enroll in text alerts for that particular piece of legislation. You’ll receive an enrollment confirmation as well as instructions on how to unsubscribe.
TIP #3: How to Get in Touch with Shelley! Give our office a call at (907)465-3743 or 800-565-3743 or send an email to Sen.Shelley.Hughes@akleg.gov. If you need assistance, want a response, or need other follow-up, please call rather than email.
Buddy Whitt- Chief of Staff
-Senator’s Aide for Senate Rules Committee
-Senator’s Aide for Majority Leadership
-Senator’s Aide for Senate Floor Session
Daniel Phelps – Legislative Aide
-Committee Aide for Community and Regional Affairs
-Senator’s Aide for Senate Judiciary Committee
Brent Bartlett – Legislative Aide
-Senator’s Aide for Health and Social Services Committee
Diane Bryant – Legislative Aide
-Senator’s Aide for Education Committee
Juneau Office
Alaska State Capitol Rm 30
Juneau, Alaska 99801
Mat-Su Office (closed while in Juneau)
600 E. Railroad Avenue
Wasilla, Alaska 99654
State of Alaska COVID-19 Coronavirus Information (Click Here)
State of Alaska COVID-19 Health Orders (Click Here)
State of Alaska COVID-19 Vaccine Information (Click Here)
Best regards,
Copyright © *2022* *Office of Senator Shelley Hughes*, All rights reserved.