Much focus is on national matters presently but I’d like a quick check-in with you on an item here at home.
We often talk about the need for energy independence and access to affordable energy. I’m hearing more and more about another basic life need in the same way from Alaskans: food. Greater food independence and affordable access to food for Alaskans. Is this a natural resource we should develop to a greater degree in Alaska? Many Alaskans think it is, and I agree.
Because of this, I’ve been working this issue on your behalf on several fronts.
First, I’ve chaired the task force focused on this topic the last two years and we’ve issued actionable items that can be taken to open up opportunities for the agriculture industry to grow. You can see our reports at the following links:
Of significant note is the top recommendation of the task force: to convert the Division of Agriculture to a Department of Agriculture so that we will have a commissioner at this governor’s and future governors’ cabinet tables to elevate ag issues and prioritize food security. The governor issued an Executive Order 136 to do so this last week which you can read by clicking the button below. You can also read my press release in response to this E.O. below as well.
And don’t worry, we’re avoiding government boondoggles and instead aiming to remove barriers while understanding that there too are certain roles appropriate for state agencies to play (e.g., DOT for transportation infrastructure). This is definitely not about increasing government, but it is about a more responsive and precise government that the ag producers have requested.
Secondly, we’ll also be kicking off our Food & Farm Caucus here in the Capitol building this Thursday at 5:15pm in the Butrovich Room 205, I’m one of several founders of this caucus and have been one of the co-chairs the last three years; we’ve passed more ag-related legislation in the last three years than in the prior ten. Our first Food & Farm Caucus meeting will be primarily organizational, but we’ll also begin to pick our focus areas for the session.
Lastly and very excitingly, my office is sponsoring a Food Security Workshop in Palmer on Saturday morning, February 22 at Palmer Junior Middle School. See the flyer in my email newsletter (as well as social media and clicking the lower-right image) and stay tuned for more forthcoming details! This will be a great network opportunity to meet local experts and learn about how you can grow, raise, fish, gather, hunt, and preserve food to increase your household’s food security – and even perhaps that of others in our community who are physically unable to participate in these activities. One of the statutory duties of the task force was to advance community food security. My office and my amazing staff decided we’d do exactly that, and because the task force expires July 1, we had no time to waste! Hope to see you in Palmer on February 22!
Collage photo credits and thanks to Holly Heyser, Hunt Gather Cook; Heidi Radar, UAF; Horticulture Talk; Alaska Range Dairy; and Suzan Benz, USDA.