More Hot Potatoes in Education
Better wear a thick mitten hot pad or you will most certainly blister your hand because the education issue continues to be an extremely fiery…
Better wear a thick mitten hot pad or you will most certainly blister your hand because the education issue continues to be an extremely fiery…
The House version of the operating budget bill is sitting at approximately $12.3 billion (including the PFD). Where do we get the revenue to cover…
Off-the-road-system rural Alaska has its perks. It’s not for everyone but with a decade under my belt living in what we used to call “the bush”…
Our Most Precious Resource: Our Children Corporate media will likely spin what happens and why. I’ve heard from pro-override individuals who have let me know…
SB 140, the education package, is on the governor’s desk. The bill underwent arduous negotiations between the House and the Senate, with Governor Dunleavy, a…
It is indeed unusual that this early in the legislative session that the House passed SB 140, an education package that provides provisions to expand…
As Alaska stands at a fundamental crossroad, the decisions made today regarding the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) will profoundly influence the state’s economic, cultural, and…
Based on chronically low student performance across our state (except for some wonderful pockets of excellence sprinkled in both urban and rural regions), a constitutional…
Where have all the fiscal conservatives gone? In the recent debate over Senate Bill 88, a pressing question echoed through my head: “Where have all…
A foundational question for all of us in Alaska, when too many schools are failing, is whether any proposed increased funding is targeted or not…
This is a bit technical but hang tight with me. If you can track what happened technically, you can better understand what happened politically. I…
A PFD Cut is Not a Fiscal Plan SB 107 cuts the PFD and sets Alaska on a pathway to decimate the PFD altogether. Its…