Train About to Leave Station:
Choose Right Destination We are at the critical juncture where we absolutely must understand how what we do now with the PFD will make a…
Choose Right Destination We are at the critical juncture where we absolutely must understand how what we do now with the PFD will make a…
From Sap to Syrup This is the time of year for boiling things down, whether in the syrup industry or in the capital city. “Sugarmakers”…
The House decided to pass and move the operating budget bill to the Senate last week after reaching an agreement for fair play regarding the…
Taxes Alone = A Runaway Horse If your horse is not hitched to your wagon, don’t expect your load to go anywhere soon. Better beware…
Real Health Insurance Savings Potential for School Districts The words “pooling” and “steam” in the title may conjure up images in your mind of hot…
…The Key Point in Email Traffic I try my best to keep up with the hundreds of emails I receive. Admittedly, it is getting more…
Directing More Dollars to Classrooms with Funds Districts Already Have The issue of school funding is a big focus this year in Juneau. Few are…
Flawed Process and Policy In response to the 67% pay raise proposal for legislators, I introduced Senate Bill (SB) 111 “Rejecting Legislators’ Salary Increase” last…
How can we make sure we’re getting the most bang for our buck in state government operations? Chatter about raising old taxes and implementing new…
Spending Cap, PFD, and SB9 Should Be First, Not Taxes Discussion among leadership and the governor ensued last week about the need for a fiscal…