SESSION UPDATE – March 6, 2023
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
We’re a week into March – unbelievable! Lest I forget, right out of the gate as a proud member of the Alaska Senate Minority, I want to point you to our new website. Check it out! Our tagline on the home page is “The Voice of Common Sense.” You’ll find our priorities, pages for each of the Senate Minority members with articles, district maps, past newsletters, committee assignments, bills sponsored, and contact information. Your one-stop-shop at!
SB 88 Pension bill: We better read the warning label
Senator Cathy Giessel, the sponsor of SB 88, and nine co-sponsors from the Senate Majority are touting the newly introduced bill to reinstate pensions for public employees (rather than the current 401K type retirement system adopted in 2006) as a cure for recruitment and retention challenges.
Although the bill might help ease the public sector workforce issue, it won’t be the cure to the extent they hope – but the harmful side effects are what are troubling. Unfunded state pension liabilities are growing rapidly across the US. One study estimates the total is now $8.28 trillion or just under $25,000 for every man, woman and [continue reading online]
Enough is enough! Healthcare costs are breaking the bank
Four solutions await your advocacy
No one likes being in last place, but this time, oh how I wish we were. Alaska is number one among the 50 states for what we spend on healthcare. Brace yourself, because it gets worse. Alaska is [continue reading online]
Time for a wake-up call re: renewables and mining
Whoa. Of the 50 minerals and metals critical to the United States, Alaska has 49. But if they’re buried, what good are they? Those in our nation’s capital and here at home who want to advance renewable energy need to realize their hopes and dreams will go down the tubes unless [continue reading online]
Why is Lady Justices’ Blindfold Slipping in Alaska?
We ran this article of mine last week, but it is such an important issue in serious need of repair, I am going to be highlighting it frequently. If we don’t make some changes, our state will become less and less like the Alaska we’ve known and loved – and more like California. This is not simply an op-ed moaning about the problem but lays out why the problem exists (with data insights you likely haven’t seen) and achievable steps we can take to address it. [Read the article online]
The returning feature many have requested makes its debut for 2023 in this issue: “Comments from the Inbox”. Never dull, always enlightening, sometimes rude, frequently encouraging, often poignant, and occasionally funny, the one-liners we showcase are a sliver of the hundreds of contacts I receive weekly. You’ll need to scroll down to the purple box to see them!
Stay in touch!
And, as always, I look forward to meeting more of you in the following months locally when I’m back in district as well as here in Juneau when any of you come for a visit.
As I state on my Facebook page and mention in live broadcasts Mondays at 6pm, with the volume of contacts I receive daily (multiple hundreds), my staff and I work hard to read and listen to everything so I can understand what you, our district, and the rest of the state is thinking. If you would like to ensure you receive my feedback on your issue and ideas, please call my office (907) 465-3743 to set up a phone call with me or come by one of my coffee chats.
My responsibility to you is front and center, whether I am on the Senate floor, drafting policy, in a meeting, out and about in our community, or communicating with you. I strive to be available to hear what concerns you most. I am on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at AKShelleyHughes. You can also email me at or call my office (907) 465-3743 to get in touch.
Keep scrolling, my friends!
Lots of great info and photos of friends and neighbors await you below. Be sure to click on “view entire message” at the bottom, so you don’t miss out on what may be relevant to you!
Working on your behalf,
Check out our priorities, proposed solutions, viewpoints, video clips, press releases and more by clicking the image above.
Your “one-stop shop”!
Bookmark the site and check for updates as they happen!
Hanna Huber, Justina Hamlin, and Sean Morgan, students from the University of Alaska pose with Gaby, our Intern who is also a UA student. Speaking of the university, Senator Hughes is a UA graduate.
MSBSD Superintendent Dr. Randy Trani, with School Board President Thomas Bergey and MSBSD Public Information Officer Jillian Morrissey. The trio discussed the bus situation, the district’s capital infrastructure requests, and funding bills before the legislature with Senator Hughes.
CEO of Set Free Alaska (SFA), Philip Licht, and his son, Evan, spent time with Senator Hughes. Philip gave a good report on SFA’s pilot project on their campus off of Trunk Road up on the hill across from the hospital. Evan served as a guest page on the Senate floor which gave Senator Hughes a chance to introduce him in the chamber.
“Don’t forget to kill the certificate of need program.”
“Way to go introducing the governor to the EGS score. Trump appears impressed…
Not really…you are a Rino”
“Lost the colleges to the libs long ago and as a result the country is steadily moving left. Standard of living is declining along with it.”
“[Y]ou are right about not putting more money into administration. Put it into classrooms.”
“When does everyone in the Legislature stop talking and start acting on the documented horrific injustices of Alaska judges?”
“I have raised 5 daughters, all played competitive sports, and I have coached young girls for over 15 years. There is an absolute benefit to keeping girls sports for girls. I appreciate your leadership on this issue.”
“Repeal RCV”
“The ugly vitriol is ridiculous! Keep doing the right thing—your record speaks for itself. Praying for your safety!”
“The unions are watching and we will accept nothing less than a fully defined benefit retirement system like previous state employees had. It’s your job to deliver. p.s., how’s that three-person Senate Minority caucus working for ya?”
This last one is obviously spam, but it made me chuckle anyway…
OMG… You must have been the second woman GOD created after eve, I’m so impressed with your profiles and personalities. I also admire your good sense of humor here. I don’t usually write in the comments section, but I think you deserve this compliment for It’s good to be pretty and not pretty alone but admired by someone. I do respect you. You are so beautiful…I want to be your friend if you don’t mind accepting my friend request I just sent you. I will appreciate it thanks.
An issue currently rising to the top in Juneau.
Enough Is Enough:
Healthcare Costs Are Breaking the Bank
No one likes being in last place, but this time, oh how I wish we were. Alaska is number one among the 50 states for what we spend on healthcare[1]. Brace yourself, because it gets worse. Alaska is the most expensive location on the entire planet for healthcare.
This is not sustainable, folks. Families and individual Alaskans cannot continue to bear this heavy of a burden.
Our economy cannot withstand it either. Sure, the medical industry segment of the economy is thriving in Alaska, but it is at the expense of other industries.
How can we be a business-friendly state when medical costs are breaking the banks of employers and employees? Funds that an existing company could invest to expand are eaten up by health insurance premiums for their employees. Savings an entrepreneur could use to launch a start-up are gobbled up by unexpected hospital bills. Plans for a new Alaskan division of a business are scrapped when the out-of-state headquarters realizes the astronomical cost of healthcare…Continue Reading Online
Constituent and friend Janet Ogan from Palmer stopped in to say “hello”. Janet is retired from years of legislative aide work and is enjoying having more time with her granddaughter. She is in Juneau for a visit with her husband, Scott (former state senator) who is working in Senator Shower’s office.
Members of the Mat-Su Homebuilders Association came by to chat. From left to right is Dave Owens (Wasilla), President David Miller (Palmer), and Steph Wright (Palmer). They were visiting Juneau with the Alaska Homebuilders Association that is advocating for safe standards statewide for residential building.
Naomi Tigner (Wasilla), Director of Community Programs, Presbyterian Hospitality House met with Senator Hughes to share about the work her organization does to help youth ages 3 to 23 in Alaska.
From the Presbyterian Hospitality House website:
“The needs of youth with mental or behavioral issues are similar, from urban areas to villages rural and remote. In the last ten years, we’ve hosted kids from more than 160 communities across Alaska, from Utqiaġvik (Pt. Barrow) in the north to Ketchikan in the south. We meet kids where they are, with the support they need, when they need it the most.”
Kevin Munson, CEO of Mat-Su Health Services, came by to update Senator Hughes about their three clinics: a relatively new one in Palmer (opened last year), their main campus in Wasilla, and a small clinic in Big Lake. The community heath center sites provide primary care (medical, dental, and behavioral health services) to insured and uninsured alike.
Public Testimony
Below is list of bills scheduled to be heard in various committees this week. If you’d like to provide public testimony, enter the bill number (for example “HB 22”) into the search bar here to learn the date and time. Scroll down toward the bottom of this newsletter or view the highlighted bill images to find the public testimony call-in phone numbers.
Below is a sampling. Click here to see the full list of bills.
Click on the “News from Hughes Alerts” below to view the referenced bill.
🔎Hearings That May Interest You
heard by House Education Committee
March 6th, 8:00am - HB 74 GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES
heard by House Energy Committee
heard by House State Affairs Committee
March 7th, 3:00pm. - SB 19 ELECTIONS; BALLOTS
heard by Senate State Affairs Committee
March 7th, 3:30pm. - HB 50 CARBON STORAGE
heard by House Resources Committee
March 8th, 1:00pm.
MONDAY, MARCH 6, 8:00am
Consideration of Governor’s Appointees:
University of Alaska Board of Regents: Scott Jepsen
TUESDAY, MARCH 7, 3:30pm
Consideration of Governor’s Appointees:
Commissioner-Designee for Dept. of Health: Heidi Hedberg
Consideration of Governor’s Appointees:
AK Gasline Development Corporation Board of Directors: Mike Chenault
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1:00pm
Consideration of Governor’s Appointees:
Select Committee on Legislative Ethics: Gerald “Jerry” McBeath and Deborah Fancher
Here’s a chance to honor outstanding volunteers in your community. Let them be recognized by fellow Alaskans for their positive contributions and impact in our state.
For details, visit or scan the QR code.
Senate Assignments:
- Special Committee on World Trade
- Victims’ Advocate Selection Committee
- Food and Farm Caucus, Co-Chair
- Law Finance Subcommittee
Other Appointments and Assignments:
- Alaska Food Security and Independence Task Force (Est. by Gov. Dunleavy, expires Feb. 27, 2023)
- Alaska Food Strategy Task Force (Est. by legislature, launched Feb 16, 2023)
- State Agricultural and Rural Leaders, National Board Member
- Article V Phoenix Correspondence Commission, National Commissioner
- NCSL Cybersecurity Task
- CSG-West Canada Relations
- CSG Interbranch Committee
Did you know? In addition to contacting legislators about specific bills, testimonies can also be delivered in writing by e‑mailing the hearing committee currently attached to the bill. To find the committee’s email address, click on the committee name within the Committee List. The e-mail will be shown on that page under the title. |
For information on bills I’m co‑sponsoring
click here.
For information on all bills filed during this session,
click here.
Bills I’ve Filed on Your Behalf
Health Insurance Info; Incentives/Agreements
Alaska Sunset Commission
Constitutional Amendment: Abortion/Funding
Keep up with updates, notices, news, and photos throughout the week and live broadcasts every Monday evening at 6pm.
Join Shelley on Facebook Live each week to ask questions and give input.
We typically broadcast Mondays at 6:00 pm, but watch for a notification on Facebook as the day/time is subject to change.
Be sure to “like” the “Senator Shelley Hughes” Facebook page
so you’ll get a heads-up each time we air!
More important than ever!
Alaska State Legislature web site is the place to track bills, locate and contact your legislators, and access committee information. Questions? Try the help wizard or call 1-800-478-4648.
SMS Bill Tracking! Once you know what bill(s) you want to monitor, here’s a convenient way to track what’s happening. Text any bill number (ex: SB1) to 559-245-2529 to enroll in text alerts for that particular piece of legislation. You’ll receive an enrollment confirmation as well as instructions on how to unsubscribe.
How to Get in Touch with Shelley! Give our office a call at 907-465-3743 or 800-565-3743 or send an email to If you need assistance, want a response, or need other follow-up, please call rather than email.
Gaby Gonzalez Staff Intern 907-465-3743 |
Stephen Knouse Legislative Aide 907-465-1172 |
Anneliese Roberts Chief of Staff 907-465-5025 |
Juneau Office Alaska State Capitol Rm 7 Juneau, Alaska 99801 907-465-3743 800-565-3743 |
Mat-Su Office (closed while in Juneau) 600 E. Railroad Avenue Wasilla, Alaska 99654 907-376-3725 |
Contact Alaska’s US Senators and Congressman
Lisa Murkowski – Senator Anchorage: 907-271-3735 Mat-Su: 907-376-7665 |
Dan Sullivan – Senator Anchorage: 907-271-5915 Mat-Su: 907-357-9956 |
Mary Peltola – Representative Anchorage: 907-921-6675 |